Award-winning writer, Anne Dalton, invites talented performers, aged between 8 and 21, to audition for the chance to perform in her musical adaptation of J. M. Barrie’s classic, “Peter Pan” when it flies into Malvern’s Festival Theatre this summer. The ABD Productions’ cast includes Elliott Hanna (The West End and TV’s Billy Elliot) as Peter Pan and Janet Cowley (Phantom of the Opera) as Mrs. Darling and The Spirit of The Heavens.
There are exciting opportunities not to be missed when the lead juvenile roles of Tinker Bell, Michael, John, Slightly and Tootles are cast. Performers are also required for small supporting roles and junior and senior ensembles. Several teams of juniors will divide appearances as The Lost Boys (boys and girls!), Indians, Neverland Animals and Tinker Bell’s street dancing elves and fairy friends between them.
There are also opportunities for a select group of senior and junior skilled dancers, who can cope with a variety of styles, to be featured. Older performers will support the adult professional company as the senior ensemble. (Pirates, Planet Dancers, Water Sprites and Flame Dancers.)
“This is a large production with a rich variety of characters,” says Anne, “so I’m really looking forward to meeting talented performers from The Three Counties at audition.”
Auditions take place at The Forum Theatre at 10 a.m. on Sunday 29th April. For all information contact 01704 880607/ 889360, 07814 618531, or visit the ABD website email
Anne Dalton, the show’s producer, writer, and director is available for comment or interview. Contact her PA Val Warren, 01704 880607 or 07814 618531