As seen and heard on Despicably white, horrendously middle-aged and most appalling of all- a man,
Live at the Apollo comedian Andrew Lawrence presents an antidote to the comedy world's smug, faux-Liberal orthodoxy in this all new show of the funniest and possibly most offensive jokes you’ve ever heard.
No braying self-righteous wokeness.
No angry, finger-pointing delusions of inequality, nNo PC garbage. Just big laughs and a great night out.
“ Master of dark humour and a political provocateur”
“Andrew Lawrence is superbly intelligent, highly articulate and deeply sour”
“His show is funny. Lawrence’s material is dark and deeply self-deprecating, bitter and somehow managing to be both biting and tongue in cheek, which is difficult to do without drawing blood.”
Andrew has also starred in Michael McIntyre’s Road Show, as well as starring in four self-written BBC Radio 4 series.