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Polish Heritage Day-80th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain

In May 2019 Worcester hosted a hugely successful Polish Heritage Day event.

The event was probably the biggest and the most interesting of it’s type to be held in the UK. This has been recognised as a huge success for the City, encouraging communities to come together in common bonds and friendship.

For the first time in the history of Polish Heritage Day events in the UK, a full scale replica Supermarine Spitfire was on show in the city centre, bringing an understanding of the wartime Polish Air force Squadron links with the County and City. This represented a big draw and we are planning to replicate this in 2020 with a Polish 303 Squadron Spitfire. When we planned the event it was hard to believe we could achieve such a successful event with a huge attendance that brought together over 40,000 people including international visitors from Belgium, Poland, Ireland, France, Germany, USA, as well as many travelling UK visitors, especially from London.

In 2019, we had a huge number of activities including a music stage with over 10 bands, sport teams, WWII and WWI exhibitions, world renowned military historians and authors delivering lectures, a fly pass over the city centre by a few planes, RBL, British Army, Police, Fire brigade, Classic car show, motorcycles, historic bugle call with the bells from the historic Worcester Cathedral, food stalls, Children’s worshops, modern art exhibition, Flying Officer Franciszek Surma’s Spitfire’s part exhibition, games, and much more...

As we look forward to the next Polish Heritage Day date on the 9th May 2020, we would like to invite organisations and clubs, companies, etc to again participate and become part of this now annual event. Could you or your club share your interest with the public?

Would you like to be part of a committee?

Please get in touch to discuss and see how together we can make very positive impacts to our local communities and Country.

For more info see