Getting ready to light up Worcester for the festive season

Stars and Christmas baubles will be lighting up the streets of Worcester when this year’s festive lights are switched on later this month.
The white and gold coloured lights are all new to Worcester and have been specially hired to bring festive magic to the city as the Christmas shopping season begins in earnest.
The lights are being installed now and will be switched on as part of a fun-packed family evening in Worcester High Street on Thursday November 17 starting at 4pm, with the lights going on at 6pm.
“We’ve spent several months carefully choosing this year’s lights to make sure they bring the right feeling of joy and celebration to the city during the festive season. I think shoppers and traders will be delighted when the button is pressed on November 17 and the city takes on a lovely Christmas glow,” said Councillor Geoff Williams, Cabinet member for Economic Prosperity and Growth.
The City Council talked to a range of lighting companies, with Kent-based Gala Lights being chosen to supply this year’s illuminations.
The company produced a range of mock-up images to show what the lights will look like in Worcester’s streets, demonstrating how the illuminations stretch across the full width of each street to create a happy and fun seasonal atmosphere.
The lights will illuminate the city centre and the St John’s shopping area throughout the Christmas period.
The City Council is also putting up Christmas trees around the city centre and in St John’s, most of them grown locally at Leigh Sinton. The two largest trees – a 30ft one outside the Cathedral and a 36ft one on the St John’s roundabout – have been brought in from Solihull.
The Christmas lights will be switched on by the Mayor of Worcester, Councillor Paul Denham, and special guest Pudsey Bear at a family fun event outside the Guildhall on Thursday 17 November from 4pm.
Hosted by BBC Hereford & Worcester presenters Malcolm Boyden and Elliott Webb, the evening will raise money for the 2016 BBC Children in Need appeal and include entertainment from Blobbie Williams (Worcester’s very own Robbie Williams tribute act), Worcestershire Rock Choir, local up-and-coming rock and pop duo The Fidgets and much more.

The event signals the start of Christmas late night shopping in Worcester city centre. On late night Thursdays, many shops will be open until 8.00pm and visitors can park for free in City Council car parks after 6.00pm. 

Sarah Dawes