Throckmorton Airshow 2016: Cancelled!

Pages six and seven of this month’s Worcestershire Echo covers the Throckmorton Airshow. But unfortunately this extremely popular event has been cancelled! It is a true shame and is explained, in detail, by the organisers of the air show. The following was published on their facebook page:

With great sadness and regret the Throckmorton Air Show organisers announce that they are having to cancel this year’s Throckmorton Air Show, due to increased insurance costs and new requirements that the Civil Aviation Authority have put in place on both organisers and pilots. Despite the organisers submitting their initial application for a display approval to the CAA back in January of 2016, prior to the controversial ‘increase in charges’, permission was not forthcoming and has only been received today. The organisers had initially considered cancelling the event in April due to the delays caused by the CAA not being able to make decisions and the goalpost being constantly changed over the new regulations, however as the show was intended to raise money for charity the organisers who are both volunteers decided to continue and persevered with planning.

With only a few days to go before the show, the liability and responsibilities placed on the FDD (Flying Display Director) & FCC (Flying Control Committee) as well as the event organisers personally, has resulted in substantial cost increases. As the show is held in aid of chosen charities, RAF Benevolent Fund and Midlands Air Ambulance, the organisers were left with no choice but to cancel the 2016 Throckmorton Air Show. The risk of not being financially viable to cover costs and donate monies to their two selected charities, has been a leading element in the decision.

That said, some display Pilots and teams are also struggling to get CAA approval under the new regulations and also have increased costs with their own insurances and documentation to display, leaving it too tight to get confirmation to our Flying Display Director in time for Saturday’s event; safety is paramount to us and we must abide by the regulations as we have done in the previous eight years.

Event Organiser, Samantha Jones, says, 'We would like to thank everyone who has supported us and helped towards the organisation of this year’s show, right up to and including the discussions held in making this forced decision. We are truly gutted and have put our heart and soul into organising this but sadly everything feels against us and we can’t afford to take on the financial risks. Our insurance alone for this year has almost doubled as well as cost implications for the new traffic management plan. Ticket sales have sadly been lower than normal which may be a result of the tragic event at Shoreham as most shows of our size are finding this year, so we simply cannot afford to continue’.

This is a huge disappointment, not only for the organisers, but also for those who were due to display either in the air or as part of the show ground attractions; and whom have worked with us tirelessly this last few months. Sadly, traders will also lose out on sales at what would have been the 9th Throckmorton Air Show.

For those whom have purchased tickets, refunds will be made in due course.

A glimmer of hope remains for Throckmorton visitors and aviation enthusiasts, as the organisers will look into having a ‘Fly In’ event later on in the year to try and compensate for the loss of one of Worcestershire’s biggest tourist attractions. Any news on this will be shared via our website and social media in due course.

Thank you,

From all the team at Throckmorton Air Sho 

Sarah Dawes