Enigma sculpture to raise funds for hospice

William Lawrence Farquharson, known as Lol, from Worcester, became ill with methofilioa in 2015 and first attended St Richard’s Day Hospice. As his health deteriorated, the former joiner and cabinet maker was cared for in the St Richard’s In-patient Unit and was there for the last two weeks of his life. He died aged 83.
His daughter Angela Farquharson-Duffy, said, “The hospice gave us a safe haven where we were able just to spend valuable time with dad as a family and not as carers. The fact that we were able to stay at the hospice, too, made such a difference and we were with him all the way right to the end.
“The care and compassion from every member of the team, including volunteers, is second to none. St Richard’s cares not only for the patient but for all family members too. The network of support workers to help that journey leading up to the inevitable and thereafter is incredible. The very fact that the hospice is charitable organisation and can offer so much amazes me. At a most difficult and challenging time you were there for us.”
She added, “This donation of the sculpture is a small thank you and gives me some comfort in doing so.”
The Enigma sculpture stands at just over 50cm tall and is half life size. She is made in black stoneware ceramic and is suitable for inside or the garden as it is completely frost proof.
Mrs Farquharson-Duffy, who lives in Wales, said, “I chose this sculpture to donate to St Richard’s because it reflects the anguish and torment that I have felt losing my father and a pain that so many other people will understand. It’s called Enigma because it not only portrays the emotions associated with sorrow and loss but also the contemplation of memories. Is she unhappy or just in deep contemplation, that’s the enigma and for the viewer to decide, ultimately I think she is a sign that we can find comfort in our memories of loved ones that we will never forget.”
The statue is being sold by sealed bid auction. All the proceeds will go directly to the hospice. Bids can be placed by post or email info@farsculpt.com. There will be a reserve of £500. Closing date for bids is 7th August.  Images of the sculpture can be found online at www.farquharsonduffysculpture.com
 St Richard’s Hospice provides free specialist palliative care for patients living with life-limiting illnesses and supports their families. Each year the hospice team supports over 2,600 patients and family members in Worcestershire with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect.
Patients are cared for in Day Hospice, the 17-bed In-patient Unit or in their own homes by a specialist professional team as well as many trained volunteers.
In the In-patient Unit, specialist staff are on hand 24 hours a day to manage patients’ symptoms and where, if appropriate, patients may spend the last few days of life in comfort and dignity. St Richard’s is an independent charity and is grateful for all donations to help it to continue its work.
For more information please visit www.strichards.org.uk

Sarah Dawes