Update on Worcester’s £10.5m new pool

The new pool has been taking shaped since November and is the centrepiece of a major extension and refurbishment of Perdiswell Leisure Centre that will create a competition-standard facility to attract visitors from across the UK.
The eight-lane pool will measure 25 metres by 18 metres and will also boast poolside seating for 250 spectators. Fully accessible for people of all abilities, it will become a major new sports and leisure facility for all when it opens in the new year.
“It’s great to be able to show people what the finished pool will look like – it gives a real sense of the fantastic quality we’re achieving with this complete overhaul of Perdiswell Leisure Centre,” said Councillor Jabba Riaz, Worcester City Council’s Cabinet member for Clean, Green and Leisure services.
“The pool will boast everything you need to host regional competitions, but most importantly it will be a great new facility for swimmers of all abilities, from across Worcester and beyond.
“I’m particularly proud that, when it opens next year, the new look Perdiswell Leisure Centre will boast full accessibility to wheelchair users and everyone, not just to the pool itself but to all the great features we’re packing in.”
This new image features the main pool in the foreground, with the 18 x 10m learner pool – which boasts a moveable floor – visible behind it. The colour scheme of the walls and panels seen here have yet to be finalised.
Work is speeding ahead on the construction of the pool. The last touches are being made to the steel support structure of the main pool and in the next two weeks concrete will be poured in to create its base and walls.
The learner pool has already reached the stage where it has been filled up to test it is water-tight.
Meanwhile, the refurbishment of the leisure centre’s sports hall is progressing well. It is on schedule to re-open on September 5.
When the pool opens early in 2017, exciting new features at the refurbished Perdiswell Leisure Centre will include:

  • 25 x 18m eight lane main pool, depth of 1-2m
  • 18 x 10m learner pool with moveable floor
  • Facilities for disabled people, including Pool Pod hoists
  • Pool Hall seating for 250 spectators
  • Large fitness gym with 110-120 stations
  • Spin Studio with 25 bikes
  • Fully refurbished 8-court Sports Hall
  • Sports Hall seating for 86 spectators
  • 3 separate Fitness Studios
  • 2 Teaching Rooms

Sport England has approved the new facilities and supported them with £2m in funding from its Strategic Facilities Fund, devoted to supporting the right facilities in the right areas to get more people to play sport. The funding is a recognition of the importance of the pool in developing Worcester as a vibrant sporting city.
Additional funding for the scheme is also being provided by the Heart of Worcestershire College, which will benefit from access to and extensive use of a number of facilities during term time including half of the sports hall, studios and new dedicated classrooms.
The facilities have been designed with full input from funders and partner and stakeholder organisations including Sport England, the County Sports Partnership, Heart of Worcestershire College, Amateur Swimming Association, Worcester Swimming Club, and Disability Sport Worcester.
The new pool is being built by Worcestershire-based developer Speller Metcalfe and will be operated by Freedom Leisure, which has been awarded a 10-year contract to manage all the Council’s sport and leisure centres.
The leisure centre’s existing gym and sports hall will be open for most of the construction period. The pool at Sansome Walk will remain open until the Perdiswell pool is open.

Sarah Dawes