Resolve to recycle in 2017 – and start with your Christmas tree
Worcester City Council was the first authority in the UK to offer tree recycling facilities back in 1991. Since then the service has gone from success to success, with thousands of Worcester people now recycling their trees each year.
Trees can be deposited in skips provided at two locations:
Household Waste Recycling Centre, Bilford Road
Open Mon – Sat: 8.00am – 6.00pm; Sun: 10.00am – 4.00pm.
Closed on New Year’s Day.
Household Waste Recycling Centre, Hallow Road
Open Mon – Fri: 8.00am – 4.00pm; Sat: 8.00am – 12.30pm.
Closed on New Year’s Day and January 2.
Please note that there is no longer a Christmas tree recycling facility in the Hylton Road car park next to Homebase. Anyone depositing a tree here risks receiving a fine for fly-tipping.
Please allow around 15 minutes’ unloading time to put your tree in the skip provided – remember to remove all tree decorations first.
Alternatively residents who have signed up to the City Council’s brown bin waste service can use this method to dispose of their Christmas tree when collections resume in March.
Warwick Neale, Cleaner & Greener City Team Manager at Worcester City Council, said: "Christmas tree recycling is one of our great success stories, with more and more residents using the facilities at Bilford and Hallow Roads each year.
"Of course if householders own a shredder they can chip their own trees - chippings make a great weed suppressant if they are spread thickly.”