New facilities to encourage more people to cycle in Worcester

Worcester City Council is installing new cycling storage facilities at six key locations in the city centre.

It is hoped the move will encourage more people to take a break from their car and visit Worcester’s parks and open spaces by bike.

Sustrans, the UK charity which makes it easier for people to walk and cycle, ran a consultation with local cycling and Friends of parks groups to establish the best location for the cycle storage facilities.

23 sturdy hoops, which bikes can be locked around, are being put in place by the Café Severn on Grandstand Road, WR1 3EJ; South Quay, WR1 2JN; Commandery Gardens, WR1 2HU; Fort Royal Park, WR5 2DJ; Cripplegate Park, WR2 4QG and Gheluvelt Park, WR1 3EX.

The City Council has also purchased three mobile bike ports which have been placed at Copenhagen Street, Croft Road and Pitchcroft car parks.  These can be moved to other locations when events are held around Worcester.

The hoops, which have cost £13,611 to purchase and install, are all expected to be in place by the end of October 2017.

Cllr Lynn Denham, Vice Chair of the Communities Committee at the City Council, originally proposed the introduction of more facilities for cyclists.  She said:  “I am thrilled that the bike racks are now appearing around the city and hope they will be well used and appreciated.”

“It is clear that the best way we can improve air quality in Worcester is to encourage more people to leave their car at home and use alternative forms of transport,” commented Cllr Joy Squires, Chair of the Environment Committee at Worcester City Council. 

“Investing in more facilities for cyclists is an important step towards achieving this.” 

Results of a survey conducted on behalf of Worcester City Council at the end of 2015 showed that 43% of those surveyed said that improved cycle paths and more bike storage facilities would encourage them to cycle more often.

 “Worcester has lots of quiet and very attractive cycle routes – and as well as the obvious health benefits, travelling by bike is much cheaper than travelling by car and much better for the environment,” added Cllr Alan Feeney, Vice Chair of the City Council’s Environment Committee.

 The City Council is also encouraging cyclists to protect their bikes from theft and vandalism by taking the following simple precautions:

-      Get a good bike lock

-      Lock your bike to something secure, even if it’s only for a few minutes, and avoid leaving your bike in isolated places

-      Lock up removable parts (i.e. wheels) and take light fittings with you

-      Have your bike’s frame security marked or engraved and register it at

-      Take a clear colour photograph of your bike and make a written record of its description, including any unique features

-      At home, keep your bike in a secure garage or shed and keep the door locked

For maps of cycle routes in Worcestershire, go

Sarah Dawes