Leading environmentalist to host local green awards
With just over one week left to get nominations in for Wychavon District Council’s Intelligently Green Awards, leading British environmentalist and writer, Jonathon Porritt CBE, has been confirmed as the host for the awards ceremony in June.
The Intelligently Green Awards recognise, celebrate and promote local green projects, activities and lifestyles that are not only good for the environment but also benefit the community or save money, and that have at their heart one or more of the four Intelligently Green themes.
Jonathon Porritt said: “I’m delighted to be part of Wychavon’s Intelligently Green Awards, and look forward to celebrating what it is that individuals, groups and businesses are doing to protect and improve their local environment.”
The Intelligently Green Awards are part of Wychavon’s Intelligently Green Plan, which focuses on four key themes: construction; energy; food, tourism and green space; and transport.
With the deadline for nominations being 2 May, people can nominate individuals, groups of people, organisations or businesses – they can even nominate themselves or the organisation they work for – as long as they fall into one of the four award categories:
- Individual and household
- Business and public sector
- Community groups
- Schools, colleges and youth groups.
Councillor Emma Stokes, portfolio holder for the environment at Wychavon District Council, said: “We had a last minute surge of entries in 2016 for the awards, but we urge people not to leave it to the last minute. We want entrants to make sure they include every inspirational detail as to how their project, business or lifestyle deserves recognition, and we look forward to the challenge of seeing just who is the best in Wychavon at being Intelligently Green.”
For all of the details about how to enter the Intelligently Green Awards for 2018, and to discover the benefits of being nominated for an award or winning an award, go towww.intelligently-green.com, or email maureen.cook@wychavon.gov.uk.
The deadline for entering this year’s awards is Wednesday 2 May.
The winners will be announced at a special award ceremony on 7 June, which is taking place at Worcestershire Wildlife Trust, Lower Smite Farm.
Wychavon’s Intelligently Green Plan sets out a vision for a greener, more energy efficient and self-sufficient Wychavon by 2020, and can be downloaded by going towww.wychavon.gov.uk/intelligentlygreen.