Children from Worcester primary schools have been taking part in a number of litterpicks, thanks to the county’s largest social housing group.

More than 70 pupils from Hollymount School and Oasis Academy in Warndon have collected more than 60 bags of rubbish following 2 days of litter picking with the help of Fortis Living and Worcester City Council.

The first of the two litterpicks took place across the Tolladine estate last month, involving pupils from each year group at Hollymount School taking part at different times of the day.

The second saw pupils from Year 2 at Oasis Academy in Warndon take to the streets earlier this month.

Amelia Spicer, Class Teacher, Year 2, from Oasis Academy said : “As part of our learning about our community, we wanted to ensure the children learnt how to care for and support their local area.  We worked with Fortis Living and the city council to improve the area around the school.  The children loved tidying their community and it has encouraged them to take pride in where they live.”

Abigail Griffiths, a Year 2 pupil at the school said : “The litter picking was really fun and I enjoyed helping the community.  I learnt that we should not drop litter on the floor because it damages our environment.”

Paul Edwards, Community Officer at Fortis Living said : “These two litterpicks were such a success and we would like to thank all those who were involved and made it happen.  The pupils really put their hearts into it and thoroughly enjoyed taking part.  The wider picture is also just as important as they learnt valuable lessons about our environment and about how we are all responsible for looking after it.  Our aim is to hold more litterpicks in the future covering a wider area.”

Michelle Newell, Community Engagement Supervisor at Worcester City Council said : “It’s great to see so many Worcester children taking an interest in their environment through litter picking.  We are proud of our strong partnership with Fortis – an organisation which contributes so much to the city’s Take Pride in Worcester campaign.’

For further information please contact Paul Edwards, Community Officer at Fortis Living on 01905 670270 or email him at pedwards@fortisliving.com

Sarah Dawes