Have your say on conservation plans for Worcester’s riverside

Worcester City Council is seeking feedback from local people on its draft appraisal for the conservation area around Worcester’s riverside.

Appraisals for conservation areas are used to provide a sound basis for future decisions on planning and development.  Local councils have legal obligations to regularly review the extent of conservation areas and to formulate and publish proposals for their preservation and enhancement.

A public exhibition about the Riverside Conservation Area Appraisal will be held at The Guildhall on Worcester’s High Street on Tuesday July 31 from 5.30-7.30pm and Thursday August 2 from 2.30pm to 4.30pm. Throughout the exhibition there will be the opportunity to discuss the appraisal with the City Council’s Conservation and Heritage Team.

The exhibition will also be displayed at The Guildhall, High Street, Worcester from Wednesday August 1 to Tuesday August 7.  

“This is your opportunity to have your say on the Council’s proposals to help conserve and enhance the unique heritage and character of the riverside, designed to ensure that the pressures and demands of development do not have a negative impact on the area,” says Julie Shaduwa, Conservation Officer at Worcester City Council.

The Riverside Conservation Area was designated by Worcester City Council in 1992, and was reviewed in 2000 and 2012.  All 18 conservation areas within Worcester City are currently being reviewed.

The Appraisal document and feedback form are available on the City Council’s website at https://www.worcester.gov.uk/voiceit and paper copies are also available to view at The Guildhall, Worcester. 


Any comments should be with us by Friday 31st August 2018. We look forward to hearing your views.

Sarah Dawes