Worcestershire Ambassadors to offer unique partnership opportunity for county businesses
A rare opportunity for four county businesses to become exclusive partners of an influential group of business leaders has been launched.
The Worcestershire Ambassadors, a network of business people who promote life in Worcestershire and help to encourage economic investment into the county, has unveiled its partnership plan – with the group’s chairman pledging thousands of pounds in charitable giving next year.
The partnership offering will give four businesses the opportunity to benefit from their association with the Ambassadors with £10,000 from each securing VIP tables at the group’s key events and the opportunity to handover a £15,000 cheque to a Worcestershire charity of their choice.
Phi Dutton, chairman of the Worcestershire Ambassadors said: “As an organisation we have grown and developed extensively in the past few years and are contributing to charities and the local economy like never before.
“It is therefore the perfect time to launch our new partner initiative. It not only aims to give four businesses a different platform from which to network and showcase themselves, but also to contribute £15,000 to a charity of their choice – with the Ambassadors providing £5,000 as part of the pot.
“It’s a superb opportunity for a forward-thinking business which wants to do its bit for Worcestershire.”
The Worcestershire Ambassadors, which was formed 18 years ago, to promote the County as a great place to live, work and do business, provides sponsorship for non-profit making organisations promoting Worcestershire and fundraises for a variety of local charities and good causes. Events next year include the popular Strictly Worcestershire event, golf days, race days, cricket days and the Ambassador’s showpiece black-tie ball.
Since 2013, the Worcestershire Ambassadors have raised £325,000 for good causes in Worcestershire, including Rory the Robot, St Richards Hospice, Worcestershire Prostate Awareness and the Worcestershire Community Foundation.
Businesses interested in becoming a partner can email chair@worcestershireambassadors.com or telephone Phil through 07969 265813.
Information is also available on the group’s website which is available through www.worcestershireambassadors.com/about/partnership/