Patients' creative art on show

The collection of silhouette portraits has been produced by day hospice patients as well as a number of volunteers. The mixed-media portraits can be viewed at the Cotswold Gallery at the University’s St John’s Campus until 27th April. The exhibition runs every day and is free to view.
Mary Jenkins, St Richard’s creative therapist, explained, “The profiles were created as a means of expressing an individual’s feelings and personal aspects of their lives.  Creativity can take form through many different mediums and it’s a great feeling to share what we create.
“For example, one patient introduced the Malvern Hills as a background to her profile picture as she had been a keen walker there in the past. Many find creating artwork is a relaxing and distracting therapy and like to learn a new skill or improve existing talents. ”
The exhibition has been arranged by Maureen Gamble, Head of Art at the University and supported by members of her technical team.
Creative therapy is one of a number of activities on offer to patients at the day hospice alongside support from specialist nurses, doctors, therapists, chaplains and trained volunteers.
St Richard’s Hospice provides free specialist palliative care for patients living with life-limiting illnesses and supports their families. Each year the hospice team supports over 2,600 patients and family members in Worcestershire with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect.
Patients are cared for in Day Hospice, the 17-bed In-patient Unit or in their own homes by a specialist professional team as well as many trained volunteers.
In the In-patient Unit, specialist staff are on hand 24 hours a day to manage patients’ symptoms and where, if appropriate, patients may spend the last few days of life in comfort and dignity. St Richard’s is an independent charity and is grateful for all donations to help it to continue its work.
For more information please visit

Sarah Dawes