Make a date with male calendar

A group of male patients has created a 2019 calendar to help raise funds for a local hospice.


The Men’s Space support group – which is part of St Richard’s Hospice – has created the calendar to highlight the importance of the group.


The calendar – which will be available from 3rd September in hospice shops throughout Worcestershire at a cost of £7.50 – reflects some of the activities they enjoy as well as revealing the fun, comradeship and support they give each other.


Nick Moss, a member of the Men’s Space group and instrumental in creating the calendar, explained: “We are delighted to announce that our 2019 calendar is now available!  As well as raising funds, it has also been designed to promote the ideals of Men’s Space and to banish any preconceptions that people may have about such a support group. We hope you enjoy it!”


Matt Jackson, Family Support Practitioner said: “The calendar is a first for the hospice and has been such a worthwhile project for the group.  It offers a glimpse of what the support group does and all the many and varied activities that they enjoy.  There is a real sense of fun and camaraderie too!”


The Men’s Space group is exclusively for men with life-limiting illnesses; the group was started more than four years ago and has grown steadily since.  Originally, the group activity centered around gardening in the grounds of the hospice but has now expanded to visits to many local sites of interest and talks from speakers on a wide range of subjects.  The group continues to grow vegetables and flowers in their dedicated greenhouse and hospice surroundings. 


Matt concluded: “There is an overwhelming feeling of humour, comradeship and fun during the gatherings, with much banter, in contrast to the serious nature of the situation that all members find themselves in.”


The group meets weekly and as well as talking to men in a similar position, members can take advantage of the emotional support within the hospice and access to a specialist nurse.  When no activity is planned, the members enjoy tea and cake and some lively conversation.  In the summer they use a summerhouse donated specifically for the Men’s Space group.


Special thanks go to photographers Jayne Winter, ARPS  and Rose Finch LRPS .


Thanks also go to the organisations who hosted the calendar’s photography including Morgan Motor Company Ltd, Heliflight (UK) Ltd, Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service, Mzuri Ltd, The Chequers at Crowle and Croome Court.


St Richard’s Hospice provides free specialist palliative and end of life care for patients living with life-limiting illnesses and supports their loved ones. Each year the hospice team supports more than 3,300 patients, family members and bereaved people in Worcestershire.


The hospice strives to provide the best medical, practical, emotional and social support they can to help people live life to the fullest, as independently as they can, for as long as they can. They care for people with a range of illnesses including heart failure, Parkinson’s, and motor neurone disease as well as cancer. 

St Richard’s has launched the Build 2020 Appeal which aims to raise the final £1.4m needed to build a bigger hospice, enabling more patients and families to be cared for in Worcestershire.


The total cost for expanding and redeveloping the existing building in Wildwood Drive, Worcester, is £5.3m.


For more information about St Richard’s Hospice visit

Sarah Dawes