Learn to ride a bike with Malvern’s Balanceability classes

Youngsters across Malvern will have the chance to learn all the skills they need to ride a bike with the special ‘Balanceability’ programme.

The nationally accredited learn to ride course, run by Malvern Hills District Council, is aimed at children aged 4 years and over who cannot ride a bike. 

It will help to develop a child’s balance, co-ordination, gliding and stopping skills, ultimately achieving the key lifetime milestone.

Each session costs just £7.50 per child and will be held at Dyson Perrins Leisure Centre in Malvern on 11 September from 5pm to 6pm, 18 September from 4pm to 4.45pm and 30 October from 10am to 11am.

There will also be a session at Upton Riverboats Children’s’ Centre on 18 October from 4pm to 4.45pm.

Most children master all the skills needed to learn to ride within one session, therefore, it is recommend that parents/guardians book their child onto one course in the first instance. 

There are only eight places available on each course with a minimum of five children for the course to run.  Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. 

Rachel Vann, Physical Activity and Well-being Officer for Malvern Hills District Council, said: “Learning to ride a bike is a huge milestone in a person’s life and taking part in a Balanceability class is the perfect place to begin. We provide support and practical advice that will help to build the confidence and skills of any budding cyclist.”

You must provide your own bike (with stabilisers removed) and helmet, the course is usually 45 minutes long and takes place outside.  

To check availability please email getactive@malvernhills.gov.uk and visit www.malvernhills.gov.uk/balanceability to download a booking form.

Sarah Dawes