Plans to extend the Amblecote Sainsbury’s approved

Plans to extend the Amblecote Sainsbury’s to create an online distribution hub has been approved by councilors. 

The proposal, which was met by opposition from a group of residents, was approved by members of Dudley’s Development Control Committee at a meeting at Dudley Council House on Tuesday night. 

Residents had complained that the development would lead to an increase in noise and traffic problems on the Withymoor Village estate.

But Bruno Moore, head of town planning for Sainsbury’s told the council: “It’s not a busy operation. It’s all done by hand and will be subject to a management plan and hours of operation.”

He said the extension would be at the back of the store and added: “It’s well screened. I’m well aware of the issues with our neighbours and we are looking at what we can do to mitigate the effect.”

The main reason Sainsbury’s had submitted the plan was because it would help Sainsbury’s to meet customer demands for online delivery services and to ease pressure on existing facilities at other stores.

Sarah Dawes